Let's keep our best talent in Louisiana! We can help you hire Louisiana
graduates - quickly, easily and for FREE.
As a business person, you know the importance
of having good talent to grow, compete and prosper. Our universities,
colleges and technical schools have produced qualified graduates, but
it can prove to be a challenge to connect the right candidate with the
right employer.
The purpose of this FREE site is
: 1) We want to market our graduates to you in order to help
them get a job and keep this talent in Louisiana for our future; 2)
We want to help you find the talent, skill, experience and training
you are looking for in your next hireÐand we want to make it easy
for that to be a Louisiana grad; and finally, 3) we want you
to be aware of the quality of our graduates and the resources available
year-round to help you find the right employee for your company.
Through the "one-stop search form" on this site, you can access
thousands of qualified graduates from the four-year universities, community
colleges or technical college campuses that participated in Louisiana
Graduates, a new publication dedicated to bringing the quality of Louisiana
graduates to the attention of Louisiana employers.
Using the search form is easy:
Enter your name, company, address and phone |
List your job opening with qualifications
and experience required |
List who you want to receive the resumes
selected |
Include any other specific requests or guidelines |
Then select the school or schools that you
would like to have receive your "job form" and search their database.
You may choose one, two, three or all the schools. |
Click on SUBMIT, and your form is delivered.
It's that easy! |
In as little as 48 hours, you could receive resumes
on candidates selected to fit your unique search. Some schools will not
return resumes and instead will only post your job opening on their Web
site for their graduates to respond to.
We want to thank you for visiting, and for your consideration of all
Louisiana graduates. We hope this site proves to be a valuable resource
for your company as you hire employees in the future. (Bookmark it now
and forward the address on to others.) Let us hear about your experiences
with this site and any suggestions for the future. E-mail us at [email protected]
or call 225-928-1700.